Contractions - PowerPoint

Year 2
Contractions - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

English Resource Description

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A Year 2 English teaching resource focuses on contractions, specifically how to form them using apostrophes. Contractions are created by combining two words to make a shorter word, and an apostrophe takes the place of the omitted letters. For instance, 'did not' becomes 'didn’t', where the apostrophe replaces the 'o'. The resource includes interactive exercises such as forming contractions from two given words, identifying the two words that make up a contraction, completing sentences with the correct contraction, and rewriting sentences to include contractions. These activities are designed to help students understand and correctly use contractions in their writing.

The teaching resource further explains the role of the apostrophe in contractions, showcasing examples like 'I am' becoming 'I’m', where the 'a' is replaced with an apostrophe, and 'you have' turning into 'you’ve', with the apostrophe standing in for the removed 'h' and 'a'. Students are encouraged to match words to their contracted forms, rewrite sentences using contractions, and create their own sentences with contractions. This comprehensive approach ensures that students not only learn the rules of contraction formation but also apply them in various contexts to reinforce their understanding and usage of this aspect of English grammar.

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